Liz Avanzato Cintron

Sunday Service and Generosity Director

Liz began attending Redeemer in 2010 and instantly knew that she had found her church home. In 2013 she joined Redeemer staff and has enjoyed every moment since! On Sunday you will often find her outside the sanctuary where the volunteers sign in. If you visit her, she will give you gum! Liz was a Spanish major in college which required that she study abroad in Mexico (for one semester), but she loved it so much that she ended up staying for six years teaching English as a foreign language, studying for her master’s in applied linguistics, and enjoying all the culinary wonders that Mexico has to offer. Liz spends her free time listening to podcasts, playing touch football, cooking, and studying the map of Astoria, where she she lives, in hopes of one day mastering her navigation of 23rd Street, 23rd Road, 23rd Avenue and 23rd Drive.